Healthcare challenges

The challenges of healthcare infections and antimicrobial resistance are a top priority on the global healthcare and sustainability agenda. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), costs related to healthcare-associated infections, of which many are related to medical devices, are rocketing and antimicrobial resistance causes the death of millions of people around the world. 

Bactiguard’s infection prevention coating technology forms an important link in the healthcare value chain to fight against antimicrobial resistance and has the potential to capture one of the most unmet needs of global healthcare.

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

Antimicrobial resistance is one of the most pressing health risks in modern times. According to the WHO, prevention is one of the most important factors in the global fight against antimicrobial resistance.

Bactiguard’s technology is at the forefront of fighting this acute global threat to public health and modern medicine by preventing infections. Our impact ambitions are bold: to decrease patient suffering, save lives, unburden healthcare resources and importantly, fight against antimicrobial resistance, one of the most serious threats to global health and modern medicine.

Bactiguard’s infection prevention coating technology, which is both safe and biocompatible has the potential to address one of the medical needs in global health care that has not yet been met.



Sepsis occurs when the body’s immune system overreacts to an infection and can quickly become life-threatening. Late diagnosis and AMR are making it increasingly difficult to treat bacterial infections and to prevent them from developing into sepsis. According to the Global Sepsis Alliance, 47–50 million people develop sepsis every year, and survivors often suffer permanent damage. One in four cases of sepsis in hospitals and one in two cases of sepsis in intensive care units result from healthcare- associated infections. Fewer infections will result in fewer cases of sepsis, a reduction of antibiotic use, and better health for patients.

Bactiguard’s coating technology forms an important link in the healthcare value chain in the fight against AMR, HAIs and sepsis, as it significantly reduces the risk of medical device related infections.

Infection prevention now more important than ever

Millions of lives can be saved every year by preventing infections and with less HAIs, less quantities of antibiotics will be used. WHO asserts that infection prevention measures are among the most effective and cost-efficient strategies available and can decrease HAIs by up to 70 percent while simultaneously playing a pivotal role in limiting AMR. Infection prevention is key in ensuring safe, effective, and high-quality healthcare and is also important from a global sustainability perspective.

A unique technology that prevents infections

Bactiguard offers a safe, effective, and biocompatible coating technology that easily prevents medical device-related infections. Our coating technology is adaptable to any application area where reducing the risk of infections is important.

According to the WHO, prevention is one of the most important factors in the global fight against antimicrobial resistance.

Bactiguard’s coating technology prevents bacteria from adhering to the surface of a medical device. When fewer bacteria adhere, the risk of biofilm formation and subsequent infection is significantly reduced. In a simplified manner, you can say that our technology repels bacteria rather than eliminates.

The unique coating technology and its development activities are located in Sweden.