Yesterday the first joint working group of the “Healthcare associated infection – Vision zero for India” platform was held. Significant progress was made in the journey towards establishing a solid platform for reaching the goal of “zero healthcare-associated infections (HAI)” in India. The initiative is built on a triple helix model including academia, health care providers and life science companies from India and Sweden.
It is a collaborative effort between Swedish hospitals, academia, a group of Swedish companies and the Indian healthcare eco system, on preventing, reducing and addressing infections at hospitals, nursing homes clinics and in home care. By sharing and reinforcing best practices within education, HAI detection and preventive measures, the project aims to take up the fight against HAI.
The initiative was born during the “Sweden-India year of health” in 2019, with Bactiguard as one of the founders, and is supported by both governments under the MOU for healthcare. Partners in the program are major Indian hospital chains, including AAIMS (Jodphur), Apollo Hopitals, Fortis, Manipal Hospitals, Max Healthcare and Narayana Health, Swedish institutions, including Karolinska university hospital, Karolinska Institutet, and Umeå University, as well as life science companies, including Bactiguard and Essity.
More Life Science companies are welcome to join, please contact GreenKarmas and Aticka Chona for more information!
Aticka Chona, GreenKarmas
Phone +91 98 101 23730, +46 70 14 15 556